Steven Gore
author private investigator steven gore
Steven Gore
  the life
Final Target

I have been fortunate in my career to have traveled to fascinating places and to have met extraordinary individuals. Some I tracked down. Some helped me get another step down an investigative road. And some were just people with whom I shared a meal or a plane ride or who pointed out events and places worth remembering. Here you'll find a few moments from those days.

Golden Triangle Andhra Pradesh, India
Along the Mekong
Golden Triangle
Andhra Pradesh, India

Marseilles Yangtze River, China
A crook who didn't get away
Marseilles, France
People's Liberation
Army Compound
Yangtze River, China

East China Sea Lahore, Pakistan
Smuggling Port
East China Sea
First Stop:
Legal Bookstore
Lahore, Pakistan

Lahore, Pakistan Kiev, Ukraine
Second Stop:
High Court
Lahore, Pakistan
Dnepr River
Kiev, Ukraine

Macau, SAR, China top of the world
Between Meetings
Macau, SAR, China
Sometimes you just
want to hike to what
seems like the top
of the world

Steven Gore
  thriller author